Saturday night arround 22 a clock we will arrive in this lovely secret location near berlin. So dears if you like to travel a bit, take your tent , a lot of love , your friends and we will see…

Saturday we will kiss and cuddle at this lovely party in the garden of the MIKZ in Berlin. Check the eventlink for more details https://www.facebook.com/events/625196524245568/?fref=ts

We are happy and looking forward to play at the Tonträger Open Air 2014 For more informations check the link: https://www.facebook.com/events/452268048226748/?fref=ts Infos: Freakz, Idealisten, Räver & Gleichgesinnte Ihr seid rechtherzlich eingeladen mit uns zusammen eine Nacht lang abzutauchen… Abzutauchen in…